Friday, April 11, 2008

The prayers have been answered

Thank you. Thank you and Thank you everybody.

The doctors decided late morning that Shivam is no longer in critical condition and is OUT of danger. YAY!!!

We moved out of ICU and just arrived and settled down in SCCA unit of the hospital. Shivam is still on blow by oxygen and under heavy anti-biotics and his tummy is still swollen, but his condition has visibly improved.

Shivam has won the first battle with the blessings from all the family, friends and well wishers.

I know this is just the first battle. We have a whole war but I just want to rejoice in what we have today. I am not finding words and ways in which we can thank everybody for their blessings, prayers and kind words.

He will still be at the hospital for at least another week till he gets rids of his viruses and bacterias completely. His cancer treatment is also been put on hold as the chemotherapy can interfere with his bacteria treatment.

Urmila almost broke down after 6 intense days of ICU and had to be put to sleep. Once she gets up I am sure she will have a lot to share with everybody.

Shivam, we love you and we are so proud to be your parents. Love you, my son.


saumya said...

This is great news! Have been waiting for some good news since so long. Yes, God has finally answered our prayers!

Lots of love and blessings to dear Shivam. Keep up the faith.


Anonymous said...

It is a great news. God has answered all our prayers. Shivam will one by one win the battles and the war. Tell him he is a hero and we are very proud of him. God bless him.

Anonymous said...

This is A-W-E-S-O-M-E news! :)

You should take some rest too Nikhil.

Everyone's prayers can never go without results...

Anonymous said...

Urmila and Nikhil-

Our hearts are glad and our spirits rejoice!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe in Vaishno Mata and these are Navratra days, I’m fasting for Shivam and I had told Mata I want Shivam home before Navratras get over otherwise I’ll never keep Navratra in my life …. I’m very happy at lest he is Out of ICU.
Thanks Nikhil for update.
Jai Mata Di!

Unknown said...

Nikhil & Urmila-

This is awesome!!! You guys were due some good news in a long while. We are very happy for you guys. This news has made my day...rather week. God bless Shivam and you all.

Anonymous said...

When the prayers are like the roar of a lion, what prayer therefore cannot be answered??? The prayers that each one united to put in for Shivam have all pooled into a single lion's roar. Great news. This is a clear proof of faith that things will get better. Hope that you guys can rest a little. Just like this little by little there will be a HUGE victory and Shivam will be playful and joyous again.
I am going to do a gratitude prayer right now. This I know is just a beginning. Lets change the poison of his health into medicine.
Take care

Unknown said...

Thank God! I am sure more good news will follow.

Lots of love and blessings to the sweetie pie. Keep up the faith.

Shelley and Amit

Anonymous said...

Thats a great news! I am so happy now! get some rest now. Hugs to Shivam! Puja was done without nakshatram itself.

Anonymous said...

This is just Brilliant! Thank you God!Urmila & Nikhil remember SHivam is our hero and " This too shall pass" there will be light at the end of all this keep up the Faith.

Anonymous said...

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